Kellan redden


Eng 101




Will violence save football


I chose this article because as a former high school football player I feel like this one would have had a better time relating to me Other than the other article which I believe was about the Olympics.  the title of this article did a good job capturing my attention right away because the violence in football is a Hot Topic issue with the sport  today and a lot of people have a lot of issues with it. me personally I never really had a big issue with it even though I sustained a couple concussions throughout my football career. the article did a good job going over the violence and other issues with the sport that many people find today. It does a good job talking about the mental issues former football players have what diseases like CTE and stuff.


This article also Made some Mortgage points by the other injuries sustained in football not just the brain injuries that these players can receive on the field. Another point the arctile makes was about how football will survive but not in it’s current State or form. He talks about how in the future he sees it being a less violent game with less tissues and less injuries. in my opinion now copy better for this war because obviously the injuries have a tone down but I just part of the sport, you know what you got into when you sign up for it. That is something I find wrong with this you knew what you were getting into when you signed up for football that is my opinion on that.

journal 1

Kellan redden


Journal 1


the article that I chose Was about Colin Kaepernick end the kneeling that he does during the national anthem of every football game so far. people noticed that during the preseason Colin Kaepernick sitting during the national anthen,  when confronted about it he said it had to do with the issues that he felt black you were being treated in America.  After receiving a lot of  backlash over it he decided he would take and still honor the troops in his opinion. The article did a good job going over what he was doing end people’s issues and complaints with it.
The author of this article was Rashad Robinson. I felt like he did a good job going over the  issue with this controversial topic at the time with opinions from both sides. Talking about the heros of the states and how people see this as awful for them and stuff like that. He talks about how he feels most people misunderstood the symbolism of the fly and he thought that was the issue with most people having a problem with it. that the fly represents everyday hard-working Americans and the struggles that they go through in real life. and what Colin Kaepernick did he felt was about the struggle of people of his color go through everyday